Enrollment and Attendance FAQs

What grades are offered by Career Academy of Utah?

Career Academy of Utah (CAU) is an online public charter school currently enrolling full-time students in grades K–9 for the 2023–2024 academic school year. In subsequent years, these grades will be added:

  • Fall 2024 – 10th grade
  • Fall 2025 – 11th grade
  • Fall 2026– 12th grade

Who is eligible to apply?

Students must reside in Utah. To enroll for the 2023–2024 academic school year, students must be entering grades K–9.*

How many students will be accepted into CAU?

Enrollment in Career Academy of Utah is limited. If the number of applications received during the open enrollment period exceeds the number of available spaces, CAU will hold a lottery immediately following the open enrollment period. Students whose applications are not selected by the lottery may opt to be placed on an enrollment waitlist.

How does the lottery process work?

For each enrollment period, if there are more applications for admission in any grade than available openings in that grade, CAU will conduct a lottery to determine which students will be admitted. CAU will conduct its lottery electronically and notify accepted students via email or telephone. Students whose applications are not selected by the lottery may opt to be placed on an enrollment waitlist.

Consistent with Utah Code § 53G-6-502, the following students shall receive preference in CAU’s lottery in the following order: a child or grandchild of an individual who has actively participated in the development of CAU; a sibling of an individual who was previously or is presently enrolled in CAU; or a child of an employee of CAU.

CAU will not give preference to any student and does not make enrollment decisions on any basis prohibited by state or federal law, including federal civil rights laws and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (“IDEA”). Specifically, CAU does not request any student data of applicants other than their name, grade level, and parent contact information prior to the lottery.

CAU’s lottery will be conducted immediately following the close of the enrollment period each year with additional periodic lotteries as needed until the desired enrollment numbers are reached. At the discretion of the executive director, CAU may continue to enroll students from the lottery throughout the school year to fill spots left open when students withdraw.

What if my child has experienced disciplinary action in the past or at their current school? Will this impact their enrollment eligibility?

In accordance with Utah Code § 53G-8-205(3), CAU may deny admission to students who were expelled from CAU or any other school during the preceding 12 months. Additionally, consistent with Utah Administrative Code Rule R277-472-6, CAU may deny admission to students who have disciplinary procedures pending at their previous school until previous allegations have been resolved.

Parents of students seeking admission to CAU must disclose their students’ past disciplinary actions and criminal convictions. If this information is not disclosed in connection with a student’s application and is discovered after the student is enrolled, the student will be immediately suspended until CAU’s administration investigates the matter and reaches a final disciplinary decision in accordance with school policy. Situations involving students receiving special education and related services under IDEA shall be handled consistent with applicable laws and school policy.

What is the attendance policy?

All students enrolled for the entire school year must attend 180 instructional days per school year. The total instructional days are prorated based on the student’s start date. The daily expected instructional time is five hours for grades K–5 and six hours for grades 6–12.*

How do I enroll my student?

*Career Academy of Utah is enrolling students in grades K–9 for the 2023–2024 school year. Grades 10–12 will be added in subsequent years. Enrollment is limited. If the number of applications received during the open enrollment period exceeds the number of available spaces, Career Academy Utah will hold a lottery immediately following the open enrollment period. Students whose applications are not selected by the lottery may opt to be placed on an enrollment waitlist.

**Course materials vary by grade and course. Please check with your school about offline course materials.